Ascension Leadership Academy students turned the 100th day of school into a celebration by studying and celebrating 100 years backward and forward!
Students dressed in their idea of how they’d look at age 100. They started by discussing how life has changed during the past 100 years before each student wrote predictions for change in the next 100 years.
Their imaginations are hopeful and fun! Amelia sees a world where robots will be like people and talk, think, and move like we do. Nylah predicts houses being bigger and taller while Sophie predicts colorful clothes and technical fabrics that make the clothes better.
Jeremiah sees people living on the moon and wants to train to be an astronaut to be part of that future. Hanson is also thinking about his role in a future with even more cool technology. John is interested in gadgets, specifically ones that improve safety, which is good since he thinks we’ll have flying cars!
100th Day at Ascension was a big success and gave everyone a glimpse into what the future really could be.