Students Learn About Underage Drinking Consequences

January 24, 2023

Students heard a tough program about underage drinking this week and were obviously moved by the information. 

“Under Age, Under Arrest” is a free public education and awareness program focused on stopping underage drinking. Three presenters from the Alabama Alcoholic Beverage Control Board’s anti-underage drinking program, spent an hour highlighting the dangers and the legal/social consequences of underage drinking. Faculty members in attendance said the students were fascinated, involved, and touched by the information.

Presenter Mike Reese talked about the fentanyl issues this country – and the state of Alabama – is facing right which was shocking even to those who see it on the news every day.

Then Daniel Dye talked about the legal aspects of underage drinking. National research shows that 90% of alcohol addiction begins during the teen years, peaking at 18 years of age. In addition, someone convicted of driving under the influence may be fined, jailed, expelled from school, and lose their driver’s license as well as possible academic and athletic scholarships. A drunk driving conviction can make it impossible to have a career in the military or law enforcement.

Then Laura Liveoak, a volunteer from MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Drivers) told her personal story. Laura’s daughter, a nurse on her way home after a 12 hour night shift, was killed by a drunk driver on a Sunday morning. The personal story brought some students to tears.

Based on the serious and moving nature of the program, Ascension Leadership Academy will likely make this program an annual part of the curriculum.